Hurly-Burly Sound Production was created in 2005 by Gillian McCartney. Gillian has been working in the sound industry for 20 years having completed a Masters in Sound Design for the Moving Image at Bournemouth University.
She then moved to London working at MTV, various post-production houses within Soho and also in radio production before setting up Hurly-Burly Productions in 2004.
Gillian enjoys that she works on a wide variety of projects with her clients and is experienced in many areas of audio production. Recently Hurly-Burly was accepted onto the BBC’s latest database of Independent Production Companies.
Her passion for sound has also expanded into education where Gillian regularly lectures in sound production at her local college and offers one to one Protools tutorials.
Now based in Guernsey, Gillian lives with her husband and daughter but travels to London frequently to meet with her clients.